Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Cute Kid Clothes | Tucker + Tate

Are y'all back from a nice long weekend?  I just returned from a super-fun all-girls weekend in Vegas, but that two-hour time change kicked my butt!  I was very proud that I managed to stay out dancing until 1:30 a.m. that first night - that's 3:30 Houston time!  I can't remember the last time I saw 3:30 a.m. unless it was four years ago and I was up nursing a baby James. I'm an older, wiser Vegas-partier now, and having just one or two glasses of wine each night had me feeling not-too-bad during the day.  I took a really early flight home on Sunday to get in some family time and spent most of Monday recovering from lack of sleep.  I hope I'm operating at full speed today, but doubt it.

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned a new (to me) line of children's clothing available at Nordstrom, Tucker + Tate.  I ordered a few things for my four-year old and found them to be well-made and completely adorable.  He wears a uniform to school, so it's fun to dress him in colorfully cute clothes once in awhile.  Navy and tan all the time gets boring!

The first thing that caught my eye (and he digs:) is this dinosaur long sleeve tee-shirt.  Seriously fun stuff for boys.   He wore it yesterday for the holiday and to a birthday party. He actually wore it with brown cowboy boots (his choice), but unfortunately, I didn't capture that ensemble.

I also bought these camo pants, which are wonderful and lined for a cold days, and the Feel the Funk long sleeve shirt that will keep him warm too.  It's getting colder here, so I'm sure he'll be in these soon.  I liked the blue for him in the shirt below (since he has blue eyes), but it also comes in brown/red.

Here are a few more things from the Tucker + Tate boys line I like.  I appreciate them not saving all their cute clothing designs for the girls.  Even their socks are cool! 

But, if I had a little girl, I'd be smitten with their options for her.  Their undies also got great reviews. 

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven

Truthfully, I had not shopped much in Nordstom's children's clothing department before, assuming it might be too pricey for kids' stuff, but I was surprised at the affordable options for the better quality.    Have you shopped Nordstom for kid's clothing? 

*This post was proudly prepared in collaboration with Nordstrom.

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