Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Operation Office Organization

The best thing about a long weekend?  A short work week!  I hope you are refreshed and had a great weekend.  My family (Dad included) rented a boat on Sunday and spent a few wonderful hours on the lake.  I had some moments where I just soaked it all in that we were all together and enjoying this day, enjoying life.  How beautiful.  Back at home on Monday, I spent a good chunk of the day getting down and dirty with my office closet.  A major clean out and reorganization was necessary.  Did you do any cleaning and organizing over the weekend?  Seems like the change of seasons is upon us and before I felt ready to bust out the fall decor, I needed to get some things in order.

Ready for a few scary pics?

Yikes.  It always gets worse before it gets better.  I emptied the closet contents and it covered the entire office floor.  I've got it all put away now, and just have the little details to sort through.  I plan to purge old photos, documents, and files this week.  Then, I need to add labels- I've got sticky notes up for now identifying what's in each box. 

Here's to being able to see the floor again!  This isn't what it looks like fully packed back up, but it's the only shot I have so far!

My campaign with Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water ends this week.  Thank you to everyone who has visited their Facebook page! :) 

This year, Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water wants you to hydrate healthfully by Pledging to drink more water. You can join thousands who’ve already Pledged and inspire others to do the same by sharing your Mom’s Wisdoms – any tips you use as a mom (or your mom used) to encourage healthy habits in your family. 

The Hydration Movement started in 2010 when Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water challenged its fans to take the Pledge to swap one sugared beverage a day for water for one year.

On their Facebook page, you can pledge to drink more water for a healthier lifestyle and be entered to win a trip for 4! 

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On Honey We're Healthy, I'm sharing what VITAMINS are essential for women.  Hope to see you there!

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