Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Home Organization in the New Year - Starting with a Clean Refrigerator

Happy New Year friends! I hope you rang in the new year in whatever way felt right to you.  For some, it's glitz and glamour and high heels with a midnight champagne toast, for others, it's a night in alone or with the kids that may or may not include staying up until midnight.  I've done both in the past, but this year it was the latter- home on the couch nursing a little cold.  I'm okay, nothing extra sleep won't cure.  I really appreciated reading your comments on my "Less // More in 2013" post.  It seems most of us are on the same wavelength this year. :)

I make a conscious effort to regularly clear my life of the physical and mental junk that builds up over time.  I want to keep the energy around me vibrant and alive, as opposed to stagnant and stale.  Cleansing, purifying and revitalizing my life and home tend to go hand in hand.  That is, when my home is organized and clean, I seem to breathe easier in my personal life.

That's not to say that there aren't often toys strewn about the living room or that I don't find random action figures, Thomas the Train, or odd tupperware in the most surprising places- we live with a two year old after all.  It's his home too and I don't want to be so rigid that he doesn't feel free to be a kid in his own home.

What I'm emphasizing, however, is having good, clear energy in your home and everything having a place where it belongs so that your life and household runs as efficiently and smoothly as possible.

In January, after we've put away all the Christmas decorations, we're left with a house that begs for revitalization, open windows bringing in fresh breezes and clean air.  It's time to clear out the clutter and get organized.  I have a new year tradition of bringing crisp, white flowers into my home- they are a nice way of simplifying after the abundance of holiday decor.  You can see my latest bunch of mini white carnations on Instagram (@honeywerehome).

This month I'll show you how I organize the areas in my house, and the first thing I like to do is clear off and wipe clean all surfaces such as counters, coffee tables, nightstands, and mirrors.  I also do a deep clean dusting, sweeping, vacuuming (under the couch cushions too), and wiping down the furniture.

Then, because it's January, and many of us not only want to get organized, but we also want to be healthier, I deep clean the fridge and freezer.  It's time to get rid of stale, expired items, and bring in fresh produce and fruits.  I think we all know how to clean out our refrigerator (empty it out completely, wash the insides with warm, soapy water, then put the items back in a way that makes sense to you).  It may not be a fun chore, but the results are worth it.  And it only takes about 30 minutes.

Here's how our fridge shelves and door looked BEFORE the clean up.


The drawers BEFORE


I also put a sticker on the clear bin for my 2-year old's snacks. His favorite yogurt, cheeses and portioned-out cut up fruit go in there.

We've also got a snack drawer in the kitchen for him with portions of organic Cheetos, goldfish, pretzels, raisins, etc.  Everything is labeled with his name for him to take to school. This makes packing his snacks so much easier because I just grab one container from the fridge (fruit), a yogurt, and one container from the drawer, add his juice and milk and he's good to go for his school snacks.  I think I bought the labels here.

I hope this helps you get your new year kicked off in a fresh way.   To see more of my ORGANIZATION posts, go here.  

Here's to 2013!

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